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LookAhead Demos: Changing the Face of Search

LookAhead is much more than an auto-completion or suggest-type service. It is a new ASP service available at a fraction of the cost it would take to replicate, and it delivers continuous search advancement through SurfWax's patent-pending Dynamic Search Navigation™ technology.

LookAhead Demos:
A wide range of websites and databases can benefit from LookAhead as shown by the demo sites below. These demo sites show how easily and seamlessly LookAhead can be embedded on a web page without change to the underlying interface.
Britannica  -- Online encyclopedia
GlobalSpec  -- Engineering Search Engine
Netgear  -- Support Knowledge Base
Questia  -- Online library
ReedLink  -- Directory of Companies

All lexicon terms are automatically "rotated" as they are imported into LookAhead. For example, L.L. Bean users could find, "True Comfort Footwear" by starting to type either "com..." or "fo..." or "tru...". The instant display of rotated terms makes browsing your site fast and encourages discovery.

Benefit--Your Site Search:
A lexicon is much more than an index to the words on your site, such as might result from a search engine's indexing of your site. A lexicon is your controlled vocabulary that provides your users with a more intelligent, site-centric association of concepts, terms, and products.

LookAhead Setup:
For most of these examples it took less than 45 minutes to setup each account, create the lexicon using LexIt, import the lexicon, and Test the page. Account setup time and lexicon development time will vary per site based on the site content and the complexity of your HTML and CSS code.

Lexicon options
Use LexIt to extract your site content. Lexicons can also be created from other sources. For example, Britannica and Questia have excellent Terms with direct links to URLs. PCConnection and Shopping.com have good page Titles. Sites with dynamically-generated pages can rapidly create a lexicon from their database with a Term/Title + URL query.

Search options
When you import your lexicon, you have two options as to how the search works: 1) Goes directly to the page for the term selected; 2) Uses existing site search (e.g., whatever the user selects from the LookAhead drop-down is submitted to the site's search engine).

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