1. Click on the Signup link (above) and enter contact and password information. You will receive an email confirmation (to which you must respond).
2. Login into your new confidential LookAhead Account.
3. Review Getting Started and the other tabs: Run LexIt, Import Lexicon, Test, Set CSS, Embed HTML.
4. Run LexIt to crawl, extract, and download terms/concepts from your site (Trial Limit: 15 pages).
5. Edit/customize your lexicon. Your lexicon can also be easily developed from your list of products, A-Z site index, keywords, FAQs, CRM topics, thesaurus, etc.
6. Import your lexicon file (Trial Limit: import 500 rows of Terms [TermStrings]).
7. Test your imported terms for look and feel and to see how the drop-down of your terms looks.
8. Set CSS settings for items in the LookAhead drop-down (optional; requires CSS skills).
9. Embed three simple sections of HTML onto a "test" copy of your web page(s) and run a live test from your site using these "test" pages. This will let you confirm the functionality, look, and benefit of installing LookAhead on your site (requires HTML skills).
10. Update and re-import your lexicon and continue to Test during the two-week Trial.
At any time during the two-week Trial contact us to learn about pricing and terms. Pricing is based on the number of searches your site serves per day (monthly average) and a factor based on the size of your lexicon. If you decide to use LookAhead, we will provide you with a quote / Annual License Agreement and upon acceptance by you and payment for the first quarter (3 months), we will convert your Account from "trial" to Active and you can then import, test, and use your full lexicon and make the copies of your page(s) with the embedded LookAhead HTML live on your site.
Note: If we have not heard from you one week after the end of your two-week trial, your Free account will be automatically deleted along with whatever lexicon you have imported. Each lexicon is confidential to each account and will be fully deleted if an account is deleted.